Privacy Notice

OAMG LLC (hereinafter “Ocean Atlantic”) respects your privacy.  By using this website, you agree to abide by the following conditions.  If you do not agree to these conditions, do not use this website.  Ocean Atlantic provides you with this information in an attempt to better protect your privacy. This Privacy Policy is effective as of July 1, 2024.  Ocean Atlantic reserves the right to change this Policy from time to time by placing the revised Policy on this webpage.


Personal Information
Ocean Atlantic does not collect personally identifiable information about individuals except when such individuals specifically provide such information on a voluntary basis.  If you voluntarily submit such information to our website, we may record and use your personally identifiable information for reasonable business practices.  Ocean Atlantic does not gather such information for disclosure to third parties.  Ocean Atlantic will not provide any personally identifiable information to any other persons, except if we are required to make disclosures to the government or private parties in conjunction with a lawsuit, subpoena, investigation, or similar proceeding.  You authorize us to disclose any such information in those circumstances.


Use of Aggregate Information
Ocean Atlantic reserves the right to share non-identifying and aggregate information with third parties to better design our website, marketing efforts and advertising.  For example, we may use information such as the number of individuals visiting a certain area of our Website.  This information may include the websites that you access immediately before and after your visit to our website, and your IP address.  We will not disclose to third parties any information that could be used to identify you personally.


Please contact us with any questions pertaining to this Privacy Policy  by sending an email to

Privacy Notice     Terms & Conditions

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